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HL Series Micro-heat Regeneration Adsorption Air Dryer

HL Series Micro-heat Regeneration Adsorption Air Dryer

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HL Series Micro-heat Regeneration Adsorption Air Dryer

Working condition:

Rated compressed air inlet temperature: 38 ° C, up to 45 ° C

Rated compressed air pressure: 0.7MPa, maximum 1.0MPa

Pressure dew point under rated conditions: -20 ° C ~ -40 ° C (molecular sieve up to: -70 ° C)

Intake oil content: 0.08ppm (0.1mg/m3)

Dust particle size of finished product: ≤ 60μm

Average re-flow rate: 10~22 rated treatment gas volume

Adsorption type: Activated alumina (higher molecular sieve available)

Pressure drop: ≤ 0.021Mpa

Regeneration method: Normal temperature regeneration

Working mode: Two towers 4min or 10min automatic switching, continuous work

Control mode: Cycle period 4~10min adjustable

Installation method: Indoor, allowing no basic installation


Convenient and practical cycle time mode and energy-saving economy mode, regeneration gas volume, the program is adjustable to suit various practical conditions and export dew point requirements.

Product Model Parameter Table

Rated Condition

Rated compressed air inlet temperature: 38℃, maximum 45℃Adsorption formula: activated alumina (molecular sieves are available for higher requirements)
Rated compressed air pressure: 0.7mpa, up to 1.0maPressure: 0.021 Mpa or less
Pressure dew point under rated working condition: -20℃-40℃(molecular sieve up to : -70℃)Regeneration method: regeneration at room temperature
Intake oil content: 0.08pm(0.1mg/m3)Mode of operation: the two towers are switched automatically for 4min or 10min and work continuously
Dust particle size of finished gas: ≤60 mControl mode: cycle cycle 410min adjustable
Average reflow rate: 10~22 rated air capacityAverage reflow rate: 10~22 rated air capacity


For more information about the specification, welcome to contact us!

Phone: 0755-28686438

E-mail: yuka@szyuka.cn



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